What is the meaning of Na?
ISO 639-1 language code for Nauruan.
Abbreviation of noun animate.
to be (exist)
yet (only in questions)
connects consonant ending noun or adjective to a noun or adjective that it modifies
root of ena
indirect object marker: to
used to refer to the location of something or some action: in; on; at
used to refer toward a location of something or some action: to; toward
used to refer to a time period: at; on; in; during (of a year, month, day of the week, time of day, etc.)
used to refer to a place of origin or where one comes from: from; of
you (sg.)
first person; I
I (first-person singular pronoun)
here! there you go! (said when handing something over)
here you are! take it!
this (animate)
here!, here you go, here you are (offering something to the listener)
emphatic particle
Hanyu Pinyin reading of 吶 / 呐
Hanyu Pinyin reading of 哪
Nonstandard spelling of nā.
Nonstandard spelling of ná.
Nonstandard spelling of nǎ.
Nonstandard spelling of nà.
in accordance with, based on
to ripen
to rain
Question marker for yes/no questions. It is always placed after the first word in the sentence. If the first word ends in a vowel, use the particle na; if it ends in a consonant, use ina.
on, onto (direction, + accusative case)
on (location, + locative case)
for (purpose, + accusative case)
at (in the direction of, + accusative case)
Alternative form of nēi
Aphetic form of inna (“in his/her/its/their”)
neuter nominative/accusative singular of nach (“any”)
Alternative spelling of ná (“don’t”)
Alternative spelling of ná (“or, nor”)
denotes sublative movement; onto [with accusative]
denotes movement towards some nouns; to, toward [with accusative]
denotes the length of time for which an action will be done; for [with accusative]
denotes a goal or purpose; for [with accusative]
used in some temporal and physical measurements; by [with accusative or locative]
denotes superessive position; on [with locative]
denotes a period of time; during [with locc]
denotes frequency; per [with case]
denotes location with events; at [with locative]
denotes manner [with accusative]
forms the negative of verbs and adjectives [with -i]
forms the negative of nouns [with ruã]
hopefully; if only [with ruã ymã]
to rain
on (stationary)
onto (motion towards)
denotes superessive position; on [with locative]
denotes sublative movement; onto [with accusative]
denotes time for which consequences of something may occur; for [with accusative]
denotes day on which something occurs; on
to rain
to be
at; to; on; according to
Romanization of 𒈾
Interrogative particle; indicates a yes-no question. Placed at the end of the sentence.
that (animate)
Alternative form of no (“not”)
in the
auxiliary marker for future tense
personal article used before feminine given names instead of the definite article la
marks that something is already the case when it wasn't so before; is now
marks verb as completed; have, already
indicates that an ongoing action has stopped or no longer happening; not anymore
marks something that will happen very soon; about to
indicates that an anticipated or habitual action is discontinued; will not ... anymore
indicates a shift in the performance of a task to the person as mentioned
on, onto (direction, + accusative case)
on (location, + locative case)
to (direction, + accusative case, used only with certain places (do + genitive is more common))
at, in (location, + locative case, used only with certain places (v is more common))
for (purpose, + accusative case)
at (in the direction of, + accusative case)
bar, except Used to form ordinal numbers in relation to a superlative quality. The number that is used is 1 lower than in the English translation.
Preposition introducing an accusative phrase.
well!, so!; used to introduce a statement
oh, hm, huh, och, nu; expressing a (usually mild) degree of surprise, doubt, or frustration
huh?; used as a question marker, often implying that the speaker knows the answer
hey!, hi!; used as a greeting, but with an interrogative intonation, as if saying “So? You see me there?”, or “So? How is everything?”
Alternative form of nein (“no”)
genitive singular feminine of an
nominative/dative plural of an
Nonstandard form of ina
The hiragana syllable な (na) or the katakana syllable ナ (na) in Hepburn romanization.
3rd person singular possessive/ergative pronoun: he; his; she; her; it; its
used to get someone's attention, generally carries neutral or slightly positive connotations
sentence-final particle indicating emotion or mild emphasis
already; now (expresses the event when following a verb)
already; now (declares the event of action when following a verb in the past tense)
already; now (suggests immediate or quick action when following the infinitive form and future tense of the verb)
denotes superessive position; on [with locative]
denotes sublative movement; onto [with accusative]
emphatic particle used with imperatives to speed up a performed action; c'mon, now
and, with
imperative singular of nō, swim!
of (form of ya before personal pronouns)
on, onto [with accusative]
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to rain
denotes superessive position; on [with locative]
denotes location with events; at [with locative]
denotes sublative movement; onto [with accusative]
denotes the length of time for which an action will be done; for, by [with accusative]
denotes a goal or purpose; for, to deal with [with accusative]
denotes frequency; per [with accusative]
denotes manner [with accusative or adverb]
surjective usage; onto [with accusative]
Synonym of dla [with accusative]
Contraction of em a (“in the”): feminine singular of no
Alternative form of a (third-person feminine singular objective pronoun) used as an enclitic following a verb form ending in a nasal vowel or diphthong
here you are! take it!
particle used to emphasise a negative reply to a question
all that, that which, whatever, what
inflection of an (“the”):
marks an interrogative in the past tense
Alternative form of no
on, at, in (with certain nouns, expressing location without a change of position, answering the question gdjȅ/gdȅ; see usage notes below)
on (indicating medium)
to, on, onto (with certain nouns, expressing the goal of motion, answering questions kùda (Bosnian, Serbian) or kȁmo (Croatian); see usage notes below)
for (with verbs of motion and certain other verbs, to express something which will last for a limited period; after that a reverse action is implied)
in (used with seasons)
noun attribute for permanent properties, such as sources of power or energy, but not including purpose
by, on, through (adverbial phrase of manner)
indirect object of certain verbs
a part of certain set expressions, which can be spelled also as one word in Croatian
Here you are! Take it!
denotes superessive position; on [with locative]
denotes inessive position of some countries and regions; in, [with locative]
denotes location with events; at [with locative]
denotes sublative movement; onto [with accusative]
denotes time; for [with accusative]
denotes measurement; by [with accusative]
denotes aim of an action; for [with accusative]
denotes color of painted object [with adverb]
denotes manner [with adverb]
used when giving someone something; here!
filler word; well
on (touching from above)
by, with, using (indicates a means or an instrument)
at (indicates time)
at, because of (indicates reason)
on, usually translated with a corresponsing verb (indicates state)
on, to (indicates motion towards the upper surface of an object or contact with the object from any side)
for, on, to (indicates purpose or goal)
at, because of, of (indicates reason)
Contraction of en la (“in the”).
Pronunciation spelling of nada.
how, what (modifier to indicate an exclamation.)
present stem of -wa na (“to have”)
her; accusative/dative of hon
the name of the Latin-script letter N/n, in the Abakada alphabet
already; now; anymore (expresses the event when following a verb)
already; now (declares the event of action when following a verb in the past tense)
already; now (suggests immediate or quick action when following the infinitive form and future tense of the verb)
already; now (expresses the event when following a noun)
now; already (expresses a shift or change in the performance of a task when following a personal pronoun)
to carry, to move something laboriously
Soft mutation of gna.
first-person singular future colloquial of gwneud
Nasal mutation of da.
Nasal mutation of da.
Interrogative particle; indicates a yes-no question. Placed at the end of the sentence.
to rain
to defeat
to spend
to cost
thick (with opposite surfaces far apart)
Interrogative particle; indicates a yes-no question. Placed at the end of the sentence.
to rain
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing